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REACT JS Front-end Development

REACT JS Front-end Development

Basic front-end development is to convert web application design (UX) files into User Interface (UI) of the web application through HTML, JavaScript (JS) and CSS coding. Its advanced part is the implementation of React JS.A true React JS course by the industry experts for developing your skills.



(285 ratings)

360 students enrolled on this course


90 hrs.








This PHP for beginners course introduces you to React JS through carefully crafted examples and fully worked tasks. Learning by doing is what this course is all about. You will experience real-world examples of React JS use.

React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes.

This course has been designed with the  beginner in mind or those who may have picked up bad habits and wish to refresh their designing skills.

On hand to help and guide you is a renowned teacher as well as IT Professional who has taught 1000s of students over a career of over 11 years.


Full code from every example and mini task shared with you online.
Carefully crafted challenges and full solutions with FULL explanations of every line.
Dozens of real world examples with more added on a regular basis.
A tutor who cares about his students.
Regular updates and new challenges.

What you will learn

A true React JS for Beginners course with step-by-step lessons.
Learn how to design using react JS from a renowned teacher as well as IT professional.
You will be taken from absolute React JS beginner to confident designer with every step clearly explained.
Create React app, Elements, Class, Components etc
use of React JS state management and Forms
Installation, React JS router, URL Parameters etc
Overview of Hooks & Redux
Concept of API & front end connectivity with Database
Access real world challenges and examples including full video solutions and downloadable code.
A tutor who responds quickly to questions and who regularly updates the course.
30 day money back guarantee!


Have access to a computer with internet connection and browser.
Some HTML and CSS knowledge would be beneficial but the tutor will explain everything as he goes.
If you wish to use the downloadable code snippets then you should know how to open a zip file.


Module 1:HTML, CSS, Javascript, DOM, ES6
HTML Tags, Table/Div, Forms, image, form, css syntax, selectors, css properties, JavaScript concept, JavaScript events, JSON, JS HTML DOM, Methods, Documents, Elements, Events, Event Listener. Let and const keywords, Default Parameters, Arrow functions, Template Literals, Rest and spread operators Classes, Destructuring assignment, Promises, async await, && , || , ?? Operators, optional chaining
React JS overview, Library Vs. Framework, Basic configuration & installation, React Features, Virtual DOM, JSX, Components.
Directory structure, Create React app, Elements, Class, Components, Components Lifecycle, Rendering and Conditional rendering.
Overview, React JS state & props, Children, Updating states, React JS forms & events, Validations, React fragments, Refs, Keys, CSS in reactjs, HOC (Higher Order Components).
Installation, React JS router, URL Parameters, Route, Link, NavLink, Component routing, Switch ,Nesting, LocalStorage, Private Route , Redirects (Auth).
Overview, Theory, Hooks, Redux store, actions, reducer, updating component.
What is API, API Basics, HTTP, Fetch, Axios, Front-end and API integrations, Showing dynamic data on Front-end through API from Database, CRUD application using ready APIs.
After learning to create Front-end of a web application using React JS, a live project work will be assigned where the APIs will be written by the back-end developers of our development unit and the students will create the Front-end in React JS and will connect the APIs to show dynamic data from the database. It will be a fully API driven project.



This course includes:

22 articles

Access on mobile

Certificate of completion