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Advanced PHP & MVC Course

Advanced PHP & MVC Course

Learn to Code in PHP. Every line of code is explained in detail. Build a custom object-oriented PHP MVC framework and then build an application with it. A true PHP course by the industry experts for developing your skills.



(382 ratings)

593 students enrolled on this course


140 hrs.








This PHP for beginners course introduces you to PHP through carefully crafted examples and fully worked tasks. Learning by doing is what this course is all about. You will experience real-world examples of PHP code use.
Have you seen other courses that use complex terms or that jump steps and leave you thinking “why did that just happen”? You won’t find that with this course because every line of code is explained and is very easy to follow.
This course has been designed with the coding beginner in mind or those who may have picked up bad habits and wish to refresh their coding skills.
On hand to help and guide you is a renowned teacher & IT Professional who has taught 1000s of students over a career of over 12 years.


Full code from every example and mini task shared with you online.
Carefully crafted challenges and full solutions with FULL explanations of every line.
Demonstration of a shared coding environment.
Dozens of real world examples with more added on a regular basis.
A tutor who cares about his students.
Regular updates and new challenges.

What you will learn

A true PHP for Beginners course with step-by-step lessons.
Learn how to code using PHP from a renowned teacher as well as IT Professional.
You will be taken from absolute PHP beginner to confident coder with every step clearly explained.
Create dozens of useful PHP scripts.
Create a basic hit counter via sessions.
Create a bad word filter.
Create a 'How many days until Christmas' script.
Create and use HTML forms and process the data using PHP.
Create, read, update and delete sessions and cookies.
Access to regularly updated content including lesson notes, downloadable code, HD quality video tutorials, and quizzes.
25 PHP coding challenges (more added regularly) with full video solutions and downloadable PHP code.
Access real world coding challenges and examples including full video solutions and downloadable code.
Manipulate words and sentences (strings) using string functions.
Use mathematical operators to solve practical problems e.g. calculate the area of a circle if the user inputs the radius or diameter.
Use loops to simplify processes.
Use conditional statements to test properties and action processes based on the result.
Create and use simple arrays and solve problems involving array functions.
Use associative arrays and manipulate them using array functions.
Use PHP internal functions and create your own.
Use the date() function to perform calculations based on date.
A tutor who responds quickly to questions and who regularly updates the course.
30 day money back guarantee!


Have access to a computer with internet connection and browser.
Some HTML and CSS knowledge would be beneficial but the tutor will explain everything as he goes.
If you wish to use the downloadable code snippets then you should know how to open a zip file.
A functioning PHP development environment of your choice. E.g. Visual Studio Code with MAMP/XAMMP.


Module 1: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Client Side JQuery
HTML Tags, Table/Div, Forms, Image, Form, CSS syntax, selectors ,CSS properties, JavaScript concept, JavaScript events, various types of validation, JQuery concept, JQuery functions, JQuery plugins.
PHP Syntax, Comments, Variables, Value-passing, Conditional-statements, Loops, Arrays, Inbuilt and User-defined functions, Session, Cookies.
Database concept, SQL-Query (Create, Insert, Delete, Update, Select [with join]), Trigger and Store Procedure.
Object Oriented Programming through PHP with all types of MySql operation, Detail knowledge about class, object, inheritance, polymorphism, different types of variable in a class, encapsulation, Constructor, Destructor, Abstract class, Scalar Type Declaration, Traits, Generator Delegation, Namespace-Use, yield-return, Object Oriented Programming with Database Connectivity. Create, Insert, Delete, Update, Select [with join] using PHP), file upload, JQuery Ajax Concept.
Code writing in MVC architecture. Knowledge of Codeigniter framework, Basic PHP operation and database operation in Codeigniter, Some Advanced Features in Codeigniter.
Concept & Advantages of Web API, JSON Format, JSON Parse, Rest API, JWT Token, Postman Implementation.
Install WordPress, Back end development, create custom page, create custom plugin, create custom widgets, Editing & Adding Widgets.
On completion of the modules, students get the assignment of a Project work of developing a PHP web application. Students can develop the application based on a unique concept or the concept of any of the live PHP application.



This course includes:

22 articles

Access on mobile

Certificate of completion